Wemap Pro
Create interactive Maps in a few clicks

They use Wemap Pro

Representation of wemap customers logo
Representation of wemap customers logo
Representation of wemap customers logo
Representation of wemap customers logo

All the tools to create and scale mapping products

Easy to handle: create and publish interactive maps in few minutes

Online WYSIWYG tool to create and manage interactive maps (excel map), import or synchronize content

Tailor interactive maps for your channels (mobile, web) and use cases

Augmented reality, indoor navigation, HD exports for print: all the most advanced options available on-the-shelf

series of mobiles with view of the map creator

Customized maps

Options to create, customize and brand interactive maps: from the basemap to the points and services.

Graphics: customized basemap, import graphical charter

Settings: points, zoom, clusters, layers

Content: import files like excel maps, API connect

Options : Filter, search bar, mobility, ads

Global map or indoor maps in a few clicks

Tools to style a basemap or draw an indoor map. Create an excel map with simple import.

Points: add points

Excel : excel map in a few seconds

Drawing: create an interactive indoor map or world map

Embed interactive maps

Embedded maps on any website or mobile application in a few clicks.

Just copy paste the snippet. And your map is on your site!

Your interactive map updates in real-time. Map refreshes automatically

Your map is in good hands: secured map for mobile app and website

Statistics: follow your interactive map performance and its trafic

series of mobiles with view of the map creator

All the features you need to create the best
interactive maps

Representation of Facebook icon


Representation of Twitter icon


Representation of Instagram icon


Representation of Youtube icon


Representation of RSS feeds icon

RSS feeds

Representation of Uber icon


Representation of Google Sheets icon

Google Sheets

Representation of Excel icon


Representation of iCal icon


Representation of Style icon


Representation of Like icon


Representation of Save icon


Representation of Create a list icon

Create a list

Representation of Share icon


Representation of Itineraries icon


Representation of Your own service icon

Your own service

Representation of Your API icon

Your API

circle picture media

Your API

Create interactive maps with content from an API

circle picture media

Your own service

Add your own service ! in an interactive map

circle picture media

Create a list

Create lists with content you want to keep

circle picture media

Google Sheets

Create an interactive map with your content from a Google Spreadsheet

circle picture media


Get directions from a point to another

circle picture media


Share social networks's content from interactive maps

circle picture media


Import content from an Excel file in interactive maps

circle picture media


Create an events map with an iCal agenda

circle picture media


Display content from Twitter in interactive maps

circle picture media


Display videos from youtube in interactive maps

circle picture media


Easily style your basemaps

circle picture media


Display pictures and videos from users

circle picture media

RSS feeds

Display content from RSS feeds

circle picture media


Like content from an interactive map

circle picture media


Display content from Facebook in interactive maps

circle picture media


Find an Uber ride in seconds

circle picture media


Save any content on an interactive map

Add a interactive map to your app

Footer banner with view of Wemap map open on computer and mobile

© Wemap SAS 2023 - Parc Club du Millénaire Batiment 23
34 000 Montpellier