Gamify the world with Wemap

They use Wemap Treasure Hunt

Representation of wemap customers logo
Representation of wemap customers logo
Representation of wemap customers logo
Representation of wemap customers logo
Representation of wemap customers logo
Representation of wemap customers logo

A one-of-a-kind technology: map + augmented reality, within a customizable gaming engine

Detections and challenges: geofencing, image recognition, quizzes

Indoor or outdoor treasure hunt

Geocaching: game steps are in the real world

mobiles with indoor augmented reality navigation and map

Turnkey treasure hunts on mobile

A full service approach: composition and customization of content and gameplay, technical development (geocaching, image recognition, augmentes resolution) and release, support and maintenance.

An original Treasure hunt: we partner with the best content providers

Treasure hunt for places, squares, high space with Quelle histoire

Kids: build edutainment experiences with our 'Quelle Histoire' Partner

In your app (SDK) or in a dedicated application

For a young audience and for families

Journée Européennes du Patrimoine logo

Quelle Histoire Aventures

In partnership with

Unique Heritage Media

Games for all territories

Public 8-12 years

QUELLE HISTOIRE has set itself the goal of making learning history fun and enabling younger children to explore the world's cultural and touristic heritage.

Works indoor and outdoor

At any scale: building, city, county, region

Leverage the power of the Wemap platform

Connect your content with ease

Create and deploy your maps in minutes

Enrich your maps with content and services

Monetize your map's usage

mobile with connexion screen to media

Create a treasure hunt with Wemap

Footer banner with mobile augmented reality in museum

© Wemap SAS 2023 - Parc Club du Millénaire Batiment 23
34 000 Montpellier