mobile with map in citysquare

Interactive maps for your events

They use Wemap's interactive maps to power their events

Representation of wemap customers logo
Representation of wemap customers logo
Representation of wemap customers logo
Representation of wemap customers logo
Representation of wemap customers logo
Representation of wemap customers logo
Representation of wemap customers logo

Your visitors are getting lost and are wasting time. Come to the rescue!

Interactive maps to easily explore and navigate your event: no more visitor frustration, increased engagement and additional revenues.



Congress and trade shows

Concerts and festivals

mobile with open Wemap pinpoint

Offer the best experience in and around your venues

logo of EBG

Create a map for your conference or an exhibition map to better inform your visitors. Reduce lost time, highlight your program, activities and tenants: a better service for all stakeholders.

Simple and effective UX for your visitors with search engine, filters, etc.

multi-floor 2D or 3D floorplans

Highlighted content, partners and services: more time spent and commitment

Ergonomic implementation

Help your visitors find their way

Find my seat / my booth: route calculation and step by step navigation

Multi-level routes

Accessible routes and voice-based instructions

Interior <-> exterior transition

Outdoor multimodal navigation

mobile with open Wemap pinpoint

A branded service on all your channels

Your content is live and synchronized in a styled interactive map

Your brand guideline + highlighted partners

Mobile web or mobile native

SDK integration or simple embed

Professional tools for map creation and editing

Deploy on kiosk touch screens or print your maps

mobile with open Wemap pinpoint

Positioning, anywhere, with no effort

Wemap Indoor Positioning and vision based localization

Fusion technology for localization: Bluetooth (partners), QR-code, Vision

Outdoor GPS use

Proprietary positioning solution based on computer vision

No infrastructure required

mobile with open Wemap pinpoint

A supercharged experience with augmented reality

mobile with pinpoints and a circuit on map

Visual positioning by VPS

Indoor step-by-step navigation with augmented reality

Itineraries with simple instructions

Online & Offline

Case Study

Le Salon des Véhicules de Loisirs logo

The Recreational Vehicles Show 2022


The Recreational Vehicles Show

196 points


Leisure Vehicles Show: the unmissable event for motorhome, van, caravan and mobile home enthusiasts.

196 points


more than 50 stands

Leverage the power of the Wemap platform

Connect your content with ease

Create and deploy your maps in minutes

Enrich your maps with content and services

Monetize your map's usage

mobile with connexion screen to media

Create an interactive map for your venues

Footer banner with monument

© Wemap SAS 2023 - Parc Club du Millénaire Batiment 23
34 000 Montpellier